Coming Soon

One of the largest LPG suppliers in Europe is bent on destroying a small family business, just because they had the guts to stand up to them.

Moderator: Admin

Coming Soon

Postby Admin » Tue Mar 07, 2017 12:01 pm

The full history of our engagement with Flogas also the full details of how evidence was obtained and who was involved, it will shock and surprise people to know what we have uncovered.

We now know what Flogas did to the evidence used in court, and the unbelievable behaviour of the trial judge, he must have really hated me, but why?

Needed - information from any agent or distributor of Flogas Britain Ltd, if you are, or have been taken to court by them, and any employee wishing to save their skin.

This is worth a read: http://disputeresolutionblog.practicall ... er-secure/
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