Lee Rigby Foundation Accounts

History and information on Moorcourt near Oakamoor, and the appalling way private residents have been treated.

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Lee Rigby Foundation Accounts

Postby Admin » Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:29 pm

The Lee Rigby foundation Ltd accounts have recently been published at companies house.

Bearing in mind that the LRF website says the following:

"Helping us expand to more areas so we can help even more families and veterans."

"Every penny goes towards ensuring we can continue to provide the help to those in need."

"Buying more facilities so more families can get away at the same time."

The above implies that they are expanding, expanding what? Continuing to provide help, where? Buying more facilities, more - implying that facilities already exist.

In the accounts it is revealed that £21,000 was spent on advertising and £41,000 on wages and pension, no where is there any mention of a single penny being spent on veterans welfare? I can't see any.

Taking a further look at the cost of remuneration, there were 5 trustees during the financial year ending April 2019.

The accounts notes state that Lyn and Ian Rigby took £16629.00, of the £41,000, the rest distributed somehow between the other 3 trustees. The accounts do not say how much the 3 trustees were paid as individuals, but seeing as 2 of the trustees were involved in the ownership or control of the properties occupied by the Rigby's, then the properties were not provided for free.

The other 3 trustees have since resigned as trustees of the Lee Rigby Foundation Ltd.

The latest set of accounts also notes that the trustees will "strive to meet the charity's objectives - next year", this is the 3rd time that they have said it.

I have been recently informed that both the Lee Rigby Foundation Ltd and The Kendo Nagasaki Foundation Ltd are being investigated by police and the Charity Commission, and that the local MP Karen Bradley is also aware. I cannot verify this claim yet. Karen Bradley's office could not comment (30/01/2020), but promised an answer soon.

There are several more items in the accounts which need explanation, for instance £10,000 on a vehicle, but it does not say what the vehicle is or what it is to be used for.

The link to Companies House:

https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/comp ... ng-history

This all very concerning especially as it is nearly 12 months since this set of accounts represent, therefore we are 10 months into the new financial year, and seven months since leaving Moorcourt. We will have to wait another year to see the next set of accounts. Why are the accounts filed so late? Donors should be equally concerned as we are.
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