The Queens Jubilee?

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The Queens Jubilee?

Postby no_ta » Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:51 pm


The word ‘jubilee’ means amongst other things – celebration. In this year of celebration and the jubilation of the people for HRH the Queen in her Diamond Jubilee year

So what are we celebrating? Sixty years of blissful contentment, sixty years of peace, sixty years of pride, I don’t think so.

I see a nation in a distressing state, I see….

Poverty, families existing on low pay, high taxation both directly and indirectly, I see home ownership slip further away from young people just starting their adult life, or burdened with endless debt.

Health, the decline in services to help the young, the old, and the vulnerable, I see poisoned water and polluted air, the giant pharmaceutical companies cashing in on the pain and suffering, they don’t want to cure you, they just want to treat the symptoms.

Foreign invasion, the influx of people from virtually every country, coming here for a free ride to literally rape and pillage our land, whilst we the English rooted in these lands for centuries, pay for it.

Decline in standards, the portrayal of family on television, giving people the impression that what they see is normal, the degradation, the mixture of race, the false messages sent as propaganda.

Law and disorder, criminals who seem to get away with murder whilst other lesser offences get very stiff sentences or fines, especially motoring related, if you are caught without the statutory licenses or mot you could see you transport crushed, whereas an immigrant crushes someone to death and seemingly gets away with it.

Police, the endless lists of police officers of all ranks being involved in any crime at any level imaginable, the links to free masons , which are peppered throughout society, causing harm to innocent people, pulling strings, covering up crime.

Armed forces, used to protect corporations and their assets, why should we be in Afghanistan, why are we there? The Royal British Legion said in one of their letters, that our troops were in the Middle East ‘defending our freedom’; I don’t feel threatened by the Arab nations.

Politicians, and the biggest piggery in the world, the House of Commons, I say piggery because they all have their snouts in the trough, throughminster is an apt phrase. These members have taken our trust and betrayed us for years on end. Mr Churchill said during and after the war, that sinister and dark forces were being put in place and he feared for the future of this country. England was mapped out by Adolf Hitler and replaced by seven regions, so is the current Euro map.
I see politicians fiddling the system, the expenses scandal, the second home scandal, MP’s, and Prime Ministers lying in Parliament and to the Country, committing our people to certain death in foreign campaigns, some of these parliamentarians should be on trial for treason.
Why are so many people honoured with high ranking titles, become Lords, Barons, etc., but cannot be identified as, English, or have achieved anything of benefit to this country, whilst others who have achieved great things, are ignored? The Union Flag is no longer representative of our Nation, whilst other members of the union want separation.

Business, where is the manufacturing? Where are the true wealth creators, the philanthropists, who adorned this country many years ago with fine buildings and architecture, hospital wards and parks? The great sell off of companies which have been built off the blood and sweat of our people, then moved abroad where the products are cheapened and sold back to us? Remember Cadbury? We are given over to importing expensive and sometimes shoddy goods, why are goods produced on the Continent sold to us at higher prices? After all we were hoodwinked into believing that we were in a ‘Common Market’. The truth is, we’re all threatened by the Euro states, who want to do us down and the political elite in this country who are in on the act.

The small trader is a nuisance, he is difficult to control and piles up the paperwork for taxation, better if we get rid of him and get cosy with the big boys.

Control, create fear, whilst people are fearful they are easier to control, take away their freedom, make working difficult by creating competition from immigrants, hike prices, especially necessities, food, clothing, housing, and the real sting money, and destroy the ability to borrow, at reasonable rates, get robbed blind by credit card companies and banks, it is all summed up by us getting less but paying more.

Banks, bailed out by the taxpayer, but still pay out big bonuses to the staff, but won’t lend to the very people who supported them. It is said that the phoney money and the banking systems are about to collapse that would be nice but unfortunately, guess who would come out worst, you and me?

In conclusion I would say to HRH The Queen, that as a follower of common law and its moral values, that I wish her well as a fellow person, but given that in her official role as Monarch she has signed the treaties which dispose of our National Sovereignty, sanctioned adverse parliamentary action, consented to the creation of statutory laws which are stifling the nation, in particular freedom of speech, and committed us to the suffering which is brought to both sides in conflict abroad. During HRH’s tenure she has refused to indicate her massive wealth, or to discuss secret dealings with the Bank of England Nominees Ltd, presumably she has done very well. Well done your Majesty.

It would appear that The Queen is happy with her life, so therefore she must be totally oblivious of the rest of us, or on the other hand she couldn’t care less. I for one am definitely not CELEBRATING, look at what are we leaving for our children and their children, what is our national legacy, destruction, misery, poverty and discontent, without pride and no trust in the system, a recipe for disaster.

God may save the Queen.
Meus Patria - diligo - pugna - quod - intereo pro
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