by Admin » Sat May 25, 2013 11:02 am
The Masonic Code
The Masonic Code is potentially very dangerous, especially for those on the outside (the victim/s), or for those who want to get back to the outside.
The Masonic Code knows no limit regarding its activities to achieve a particular goal. A range of mischief highlights the Masonic thirst for control, greed and power; quite frankly there are no boundaries.
Masons take secret oaths and are warned, sometimes brutally, what will happen to them if they break that oath.
The selected targets, those on the outside, may not know what is happening to them. They will carry, sometimes to their grave, a lack of knowledge about plots against them. The Masonic Code embraces all, provided they are useful to the craft, especially those who seek power, influence and money. Masons have no fear of interference from relevant authorities because it is highly likely the police, local authority, judiciary, lawyers, etc are embroiled in the craft too. It is a self supporting structure of corruption.
Those who suffer may be related to a mason or live near to a mason, or engage a mason to do work for them, and rest assured if your name is on their ‘list’ they will make your life hell. When they speak to you they are full of arrogance and disrespect, they can also pretend to be on your side and offer sympathy, beware, it’s a ploy to get information. They will have no regard for your family life either, your unsuspecting wife or husband and children, will all suffer one way or another, to the point of extending the suffering for generations.
Let’s take a real life scenario, it took some time to unscramble this egg, but it has finally been decoded.
Firstly we need to establish the protocol. We have Mason number one, he is central to the proceedings, there are others who are Masons of perpetual lower rank, who act as useful idiots, or Masonic pawns. These people are split into various groups; one group is the ‘new’ Mason who can help proceedings by being the one best placed to perform the task for the master. This is an opportunity to prove himself and to advance through the ranks. Then there is another group who just likes to take part because they can inflict pain and suffering anonymously. Under the cover of a friend or an acquaintance, they smile at you and are nice to your face publicly, whilst stabbing the victim in the back privately. These are the cowardly and sadistic Masons.
With a little understanding of proceedings we can continue with our story. Mason number one is very well known locally and has a position of power and influence, due mainly to inherited wealth, interesting insurance claims and a property empire. This little man is noted for his boasting of land deals which just happen to be in his portfolio and are in areas of new development. A nice way to make money, but it only works if you are in the know.
M1 (mason # one) is miffed because someone has bought a piece of land which adjoins a parcel of M1’s land, without M1’s knowledge. This land is key to a potential new development. M1 sets about a plan to try and obtain the land by engaging the help of M2 pawns in the local authority. The Health and Safety department is a very useful tool for putting pressure on innocent people under the guise of following up baseless and anonymous complaints. The tools in the H&S department start proceedings within days of the said lands occupation and continue for many years. During this time various M2’s are drawn into the equation, applying various dirty tactics and tricks. At this point it is worth noting that the land in question is used as part of a small family business.
As the H&S plot unfolds, it becomes apparent that it is a hoax, a poorly hidden attempt to try and destabilise the victim, to cause unnecessary suffering, to try and wear them down. As this part of the plan fails, M1 engages another M2 pawn to take up residence near, and to compete for, the victim’s customers by operating a similar business. Not to make a profit necessarily, but to destabilise the victim, again by attempting to cause unnecessary suffering. Yet another M2 is engaged, this time a former supplier to the victim. Smarting still from being justifiably rejected as a supplier by the victim, because of unfavourable treatment, they now supply the pawn.
So who gains what? If the plan was successful, M1 gets his land, M2 steals a business, the victim is destroyed, M2 the supplier satisfies his long term vendetta, and they all go off to a local club for a jolly good laugh.
Not so, as the plan has failed.
M1 is now really angry, the victim is aware of the plot, the cowardly machinations have not gone according to plan and the victim also knows the identity of M1, along with the identities of the pawns.
We are now collating as much information to support prosecutions, including but not restricted to, misfeasance in public office, conspiracy, conspiracy to defraud, conspiracy to deceive and conspiracy to cause alarm and distress. These are all criminal offences, committed by low rank masons and those charged to protect innocent people and the law rather than further private agendas and vendettas.
This story only paints selected parts of the picture; the full account will be published in due course and will contain the names of those involved.
There is only one truth in a free society.